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January 17, 2011

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Drum Mower

Fimaks Drum Mower Thumb Image The Drum Mower is a tractor towed horizontal cutter for cutting grass-type forages such as Alfalfa (Lucerne) etc and is similar to Rotary Disc Mower. After mowing the grass, the machine leaves it in the field for drying. This increases its shelf life and preserves its nutritional value. The dried hay is then baled at a later stage using a round or square baler. These bales are then stored for year round use.
The drum mower is more affordable than the rotary disc mower. However, it offers a lower cutting width and unlike the rotary disc mower, because of its closer proximity to the ground during the cutting process, it tends to make it difficult for the grass to re-grow after it has been cut once. It is manufactured in Turkey by Fimaks Makina A.s. and meets strict Conformité Européene (CE) standards.